OsteoStrong Logo

Are your bones a ticking time-bomb?

Are your bones out of sight out of mind?

Bones don’t last a life time.

As you age, your
bones lose density.
This leads to osteoporosis,
falls and fractures.

Australian women will have at least one osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime 

of Australian women 50-65 claim they are doing enough to maintain long-term health

It’s not enough.
You need OsteoStrong to effectively build healthy bones and strength

Australian men will have at least one osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime

of Australian men
over 70 have been diagnosed with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis

You need OsteoStrong.
A clever system that revolutionises your body’s ability to build healthy bones

Australian women will have at least one osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime

of Australian women 50-65 claim they are doing enough to maintain long-term health

It’s not enough.
You need OsteoStrong to effectively build healthy bones and strength

Australian men will have at least one osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime

of Australian men
over 70 have been diagnosed with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis

You need OsteoStrong.
A clever system that revolutionises your body’s ability to build healthy bones

What is OsteoStrong?

It’s a non-invasive, drug-free approach to help people improve their bone density and overall skeletal strength. It is designed to benefit various age groups and backgrounds, particularly those at risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and other conditions related to low bone density. 

The genius of

OsteoStrong builds upon the work of Julius Wolff (1836-1902), a German anatomist and surgeon who discovered that bones become thicker and stronger when subjected to repeated osteogenic loading.

Building on this scientific principle, known as Wolff’s Law, Dr John Jaquish (a biomedical engineer) invented the Spectrum system which safely applies an osteogenic load of the precise level required to encourage the body’s natural ability to rebuild stronger bones.

These Spectrum patented devices are used exclusively by OsteoStrong centres worldwide as the cornerstone of this unique scientifically proven program. We support this regime with a range of recovery technologies to help build strength and balance naturally, which then has an impact on your wellbeing, vitality and energy.

Discovery Session

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near you for your
Discovery Session

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Any questions?

How does OsteoStrong® work?

OsteoStrong Australia is leading a revolution in natural bone health, through the application of advanced research and technologies.   

Spectrum® is a patented system of osteogenic loading exercise apparatus at the heart of the OsteoStrong® program.  Through regular use, Spectrum® enables participants of almost any age or condition to build bone density safely.

During supervised sessions, participants apply an appropriate dosage of force to the skeletal system, in a precise, safe and measurable manner to trigger osteogenesis.

What does a typical OsteoStrong® session entail?

As a member of OsteoStrong® you will be individually supported through your program by one of our specialized coaches. 

Your weekly session includes: a mobility routine to prime your body and nervous system; the osteogenic loading Spectrum® circuit; balance & posture training, and your choice of recovery treatments.

OsteoStrong® is a highly supportive environment and each session is individually tailored to your specific needs.

How does OsteoStrong® support my health outcomes?

At OsteoStrong® we specifically target your strength, balance, posture and vitality.

As part of an ongoing preventative and restorative health routine, OsteoStrong® helps to increase your confidence, wellbeing, independence and reduce the risk of falls an fractures.

OsteoStrong® helps to restore the body to optimum health, which in turn improves energy, immunity, longevity and health span.

As part of your trusted health care team, we can provide relevant and timely reports to your primary health care providers and specialists on request.

Who conducts my OsteoStrong sessions?

The OsteoStrong® program is delivered within our centres by an experienced team of specialized coaches from a range of fields, including – health and fitness, exercise science, allied health, wellness, strength and conditioning, and medical.

All OsteoStrong® session coaches are specifically trained and certified to operate Spectrum® osteogenic loading equipment and to support members with their personalized bones, balance and strength program.

Within what time frame can I expect to see results?

OsteoStrong® is an efficacy based program and as such we conduct initial and ongoing baseline testing to evaluate your progress and personalize your program.

In as little as 5 weeks our members typically see improvements in balance, mobility and energy.  Within 3-6 months we see measurable improvements in functional strength and stability.

Bone density changes are usually measured by a DXA scan every 1-2 years.  However, the biological process of bone remodeling (osteogenesis) can be verified using blood marker testing, once the required triggers* are consistently achieved.

Humans remodel a new skeleton roughly every 10 years.  Therefore, the benefits of any positive interventions you put in place will accumulate over that 10 year period.

Is a GP referral required for OsteoStrong®?

The OsteoStrong program meets and exceeds the RACGP guidelines for osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and management. It is scientifically proven to be a safe and effective way to build bone density, increase musculoskeletal strength, and improve balance and posture for people of all ages and all levels of fitness.

You do not require a medical referral to participate, however we may require those with certain pre-existing conditions or recent fractures to obtain appropriate clearance from their primary healthcare provider upon request.

We also welcome enquiries, referrals and share care arrangements from medical and allied health professionals seeking to support their patients.


Can I claim OsteoStrong® on private health insurance?

Many private health funds promote and support preventative health and wellness measures. A growing number of funds, cover OsteoStrong® membership under a variety of policies with extras options. A list of providers can be found here

Please reach out to your local centre, for more details about your specific fund, and how to claim.

Please note OsteoStrong® centres do not use HICAPS or administer the rebate process.


Here’s proof!

Success Stories

My endocrinologist was delighted, and a little surprised!!

Kathy joined OsteoStrong Hawthorn in Oct 2022 after an osteoporosis diagnosis (-4.1), due to a parathyroid condition. Kathy has been attending weekly osteostrong sessions and is under the care of an endocrinologist.  In the last 12 months between DEXA scans she has seen a significant improvement in her bone density.  Spine – 12% improvement  Hip – 11% improvement Forearm – 36% improvement

Well done Kathy. Fantastic result for all your effort and consistency over the last year!! 

Kathy | Hawthorn Member

6.7% increase in bone density in 20 months

Osteostrong’s  consistent, targeted, time-efficient weekly sessions have been effective for me. My recent DEXA results show a 6.7% increase in bone density in 20 months. Specifically, the greater increase of bone density has been at the femoral neck, which is a challenge body site to strengthen, and so important to prevent hip fracture.

Certainly  I can also attest to the friendly, genteel studio environment, where the staff are genuinely instructive and affirming. Bravo, Osteostrong.

Ann | Hawthorn Member

I no longer have osteoporosis!

Stephanie has been a member for just one year and because of her employment and travelling long distance she initially attended once per fortnight. She had a recent (dexa) bone density scan which showed improvement in her Spine +2.8% and Femur +2.7% taking her out of Osteoporosis.

Stephanie | Colonel Light Gardens Member

Bone Density Increase 10.3%!

Jane has been a member with South Melbourne since July 2019. With the help of her OsteoStrong sessions once a week for the past 9 months, Jane’s bone density has increased significantly as confirmed by her most recent DEXA results. Jane’s hip BMD (bone mineral density) has increased by 10.3% which means her hip is no longer in the osteopenic range and now within normal bone density range!

Jane | South Melbourne Member

Amazing recovery post knee surgery!

Judy first came to us in 2019 due to her knee pain and osteoarthritis, wanting to strengthen her knees before a scheduled double knee replacement. After surgery her doctor was amazed how quickly Judy was back up and walking unaided. Post surgery, Judy has been completing her weekly OsteoStrong sessions and with the assistance of our other recovery technologies, Judy at 72 years young, is back to her best, walking up to 10km a day.

Judy | Ballarat Member

Reversing her bone density loss!

Robin was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in December 2017. A follow up scan in June 2020 showed a further drop in her bone density. Robin then joined OsteoStrong and 18 months later, scans showed considerable improvement in her bone density. Her previous left hip T-score of -4.6 improved to -3.3. Her previous right hip T- score of -5.1 has improved to -4.3. Robyn is pleased that she has not taken any bisphosphonates, and her only therapy has been OsteoStrong.

Robyn | Ballarat Member

17.6% bone density improvement!

Debbie has been fit and active her whole life, and was still playing competitive basketball and tennis at 53 when she was shocked to be diagnosed with Osteopenia. Debbie was determined to improve her bone health naturally, so in March 2020 she started the weekly Osteogenic Loading program at OsteoStrong. In her most recent Bone DEXA scan, Debbie has reported a 17.% improvement in her left hip and a 17.9% improvement in her right hip. She is now categorised as having normal bone density in her hips. She also showed a 2% improvement in her lumber spine. Congratulations Debbie.

Debbie | Ballarat Member

Never seen such a significant increase

With increases of 4.3% spine, left femur 7.7%, right femur 7.6% the clinical consultant at RAH said she had never seen such a significant increase without medication.
Lydia said “it’s been around 10 months since I started OsteoStrong and I feel great and to see such an improvement is amazing and I don’t have to take medication. This is just a once per week program and I love it.

Lydia | Colonel Light Gardens Member

35% increase in functional strength!

Through her weekly visits, Sarah has increased her strength on our Osteogenic Loading equipment by 35%, amazing effort!
Our Spectrum equipment has the ability to also strengthen bones, stabilize joints and improve balance.

Sarah | Crows Nest Member

Sharing the message

Social Media

To learn about the importance of boron for building strong bones and muscle, follow this link:https://osteostrong.com.au/osteostrong-fact-sheet-boron-for-bone-and-muscle-health/ or head to the News & Insights section of our website.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

To learn about the importance of boron for building strong bones and muscle, follow this link:https://osteostrong.com.au/osteostrong-fact-sheet-boron-for-bone-and-muscle-health/ or head to the News & Insights section of our website.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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Ready to boost your bone density, strength, and balance naturally? Click this link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or visit the link in our Instagram bio to schedule your discovery session today!
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Ready to boost your bone density, strength, and balance naturally? Click this link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or visit the link in our Instagram bio to schedule your discovery session today!
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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Episode 4: Introduction to the Postural GT 💛
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Episode 4: Introduction to the Postural GT 💛
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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Like Michelle, you could also build your bone density, strength & balance - the natural way.

Follow this link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or the link in our bio, to get started today.💛
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Like Michelle, you could also build your bone density, strength & balance – the natural way.

Follow this link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or the link in our bio, to get started today.💛
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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If you or someone you know is dealing with osteoporosis, osteopenia, or any bone health condition, contact us today to discover how we can help you naturally improve bone density, strength, and balance. Learn more by following this link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or visiting the link in our Instagram bio.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

If you or someone you know is dealing with osteoporosis, osteopenia, or any bone health condition, contact us today to discover how we can help you naturally improve bone density, strength, and balance. Learn more by following this link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or visiting the link in our Instagram bio.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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GLP-1 receptor agonists like Ozempic and Wegovy help manage obesity and type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar and suppressing appetite. However, they may also impact bone health, potentially reducing bone mineral density and increasing fracture risk. Their effect on gastric emptying can further impact the absorption of key nutrients like calcium and vitamin D. 

To counter these risks, those using GLP-1 drugs should monitor bone health, maintain proper nutrient intake, and engage in weight-bearing exercises. 

Learn more by reading the full article on our website, by clicking this link: https://shorturl.at/qeBXV by visiting the Insights & News section on our website.
#Ozempic #Wegovy #GLP1 #OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

GLP-1 receptor agonists like Ozempic and Wegovy help manage obesity and type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar and suppressing appetite. However, they may also impact bone health, potentially reducing bone mineral density and increasing fracture risk. Their effect on gastric emptying can further impact the absorption of key nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

To counter these risks, those using GLP-1 drugs should monitor bone health, maintain proper nutrient intake, and engage in weight-bearing exercises.

Learn more by reading the full article on our website, by clicking this link: https://shorturl.at/qeBXV by visiting the Insights & News section on our website.
#Ozempic #Wegovy #GLP1 #OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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Meet the incredible women behind our OsteoStrong centres! They are dedicated to helping our community build bone density, strength, and balance naturally.
#internationalwomensday #OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Meet the incredible women behind our OsteoStrong centres! They are dedicated to helping our community build bone density, strength, and balance naturally.
#internationalwomensday #OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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Happy International Women’s Day to our members and community! 

We're proud to support women in naturally building bone density, strength, and balance!

💛 Team OsteoStrong 

#internationalwomensday #OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Happy International Women’s Day to our members and community!

We`re proud to support women in naturally building bone density, strength, and balance!

💛 Team OsteoStrong

#internationalwomensday #OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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Did you know that your muscles can never be stronger than your bones? 💪🏼

Tap the link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia to learn how we can naturally help you improve bone density, strength, and balance. Or find the link in our Instagram bio!
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Did you know that your muscles can never be stronger than your bones? 💪🏼

Tap the link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia to learn how we can naturally help you improve bone density, strength, and balance. Or find the link in our Instagram bio!
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

12 0
To learn about the importance of omega-3 for building strong bones and muscle, follow this link:https://osteostrong.com.au/osteostrong-fact-sheet-omega-3-fatty-acids-for-bone-and-muscle-health/ or head to the News & Insights section of our website.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

To learn about the importance of omega-3 for building strong bones and muscle, follow this link:https://osteostrong.com.au/osteostrong-fact-sheet-omega-3-fatty-acids-for-bone-and-muscle-health/ or head to the News & Insights section of our website.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

7 0
Just like Katerina, you can naturally boost your bone density, strength, and balance in 2025! 

Kickstart your journey to better health by clicking the link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or visiting the one in our Instagram bio.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Just like Katerina, you can naturally boost your bone density, strength, and balance in 2025!

Kickstart your journey to better health by clicking the link: linktr.ee/osteostrongaustralia or visiting the one in our Instagram bio.
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

6 0
Episode 3: Introduction to the Core GT
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

Episode 3: Introduction to the Core GT
#OsteoStrong #OsteoStrongAustralia #BoneDensity #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #BoneHealth #Health #Wellness #Strong #BioHack #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Australia #Summer

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