Any questions?
How does OsteoStrong® work?

OsteoStrong Australia is leading a revolution in natural bone health, through the application of advanced research and technologies.
Spectrum® is a patented system of osteogenic loading exercise apparatus at the heart of the OsteoStrong® program. Through regular use, Spectrum® enables participants of almost any age or condition to build bone density safely.
During supervised sessions, participants apply an appropriate dosage of force to the skeletal system, in a precise, safe and measurable manner to trigger osteogenesis.
What does a typical OsteoStrong® session entail?

As a member of OsteoStrong® you will be individually supported through your program by one of our specialized coaches.
Your weekly session includes: a mobility routine to prime your body and nervous system; the osteogenic loading Spectrum® circuit; balance & posture training, and your choice of recovery treatments.
OsteoStrong® is a highly supportive environment and each session is individually tailored to your specific needs.
How does OsteoStrong® support my health outcomes?

At OsteoStrong® we specifically target your strength, balance, posture and vitality.
As part of an ongoing preventative and restorative health routine, OsteoStrong® helps to increase your confidence, wellbeing, independence and reduce the risk of falls an fractures.
OsteoStrong® helps to restore the body to optimum health, which in turn improves energy, immunity, longevity and health span.
As part of your trusted health care team, we can provide relevant and timely reports to your primary health care providers and specialists on request.
Who conducts my OsteoStrong sessions?

The OsteoStrong® program is delivered within our centres by an experienced team of specialized coaches from a range of fields, including – health and fitness, exercise science, allied health, wellness, strength and conditioning, and medical.
All OsteoStrong® session coaches are specifically trained and certified to operate Spectrum® osteogenic loading equipment and to support members with their personalized bones, balance and strength program.
Within what time frame can I expect to see results?

OsteoStrong® is an efficacy based program and as such we conduct initial and ongoing baseline testing to evaluate your progress and personalize your program.
In as little as 5 weeks our members typically see improvements in balance, mobility and energy. Within 3-6 months we see measurable improvements in functional strength and stability.
Bone density changes are usually measured by a DXA scan every 1-2 years. However, the biological process of bone remodeling (osteogenesis) can be verified using blood marker testing, once the required triggers* are consistently achieved.
Humans remodel a new skeleton roughly every 10 years. Therefore, the benefits of any positive interventions you put in place will accumulate over that 10 year period.
Is a GP referral required for OsteoStrong®?

The OsteoStrong program meets and exceeds the RACGP guidelines for osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and management. It is scientifically proven to be a safe and effective way to build bone density, increase musculoskeletal strength, and improve balance and posture for people of all ages and all levels of fitness.
You do not require a medical referral to participate, however we may require those with certain pre-existing conditions or recent fractures to obtain appropriate clearance from their primary healthcare provider upon request.
We also welcome enquiries, referrals and share care arrangements from medical and allied health professionals seeking to support their patients.
Can I claim OsteoStrong® on private health insurance?

Many private health funds promote and support preventative health and wellness measures. A growing number of funds, cover OsteoStrong® membership under a variety of policies with extras options. A list of providers can be found here
Please reach out to your local centre, for more details about your specific fund, and how to claim.
Please note OsteoStrong® centres do not use HICAPS or administer the rebate process.