My endocrinologist was delighted, and a little surprised!!
Kathy joined OsteoStrong Hawthorn in Oct 2022 after an osteoporosis diagnosis (-4.1), due to a parathyroid condition. Kathy has been attending weekly osteostrong sessions and is under the care of an endocrinologist. In the last 12 months between DEXA scans she has seen a significant improvement in her bone density. Spine – 12% improvement Hip – 11% improvement Forearm – 36% improvement
Well done Kathy. Fantastic result for all your effort and consistency over the last year!!
Kathy | Hawthorn Member

Increase in bone density after 12 months!
I’ve been a member at OsteoStrong Manly for the past year! Compared to my last DEXA scan two years ago, I’ve improved my BMD in my hips by 4.9% and in my spine by 3.4%!! I am excited to see how I continue to improve even more in the future.
Michelle | Manly Member

Most recent DEXA scan showed an improvement of 6% in my hips and 4% in my lumber
After discovering I had declining bone density, and in the osteopenia range in my 40’s, my bone and muscle health are a priority for me. I’ve had tendency for thoracic pain for many years. I felt that the slightest jolt would send me to the chiro and I guess I was starting to feel a bit ‘fragile’. Over the last couple of months, my spine actually feels stronger, and I recover from those jolts without any issue.
I can’t tell you how happy I am that OsteoStrong opened on my doorstep. Your staff are awesome, and I love the ‘extras’ to finish off the session
Danuta | Manly Member

6.7% increase in bone density in 20 months
Osteostrong’s consistent, targeted, time-efficient weekly sessions have been effective for me. My recent DEXA results show a 6.7% increase in bone density in 20 months. Specifically, the greater increase of bone density has been at the femoral neck, which is a challenge body site to strengthen, and so important to prevent hip fracture.
Certainly I can also attest to the friendly, genteel studio environment, where the staff are genuinely instructive and affirming. Bravo, Osteostrong.
Ann | Hawthorn Member

50% increase in force!
Shout out to our member Lisa who had a massive 50% increase in her force output in the last two weeks! Lisa had three huge personal bests today and we are so stoked we wanted to share!
Lisa | Hobart member

Massive increase in strength!
With a massive 5kg increase in her grip strength in each hand in 13 weeks plus impressive gains for balance and leg power OsteoStrong Hobart member Sushila Desai is making strides toward her goals!
Sushila said: ”I’ve had real encouraging results in a short period. Very pleased! The team here is great!”
Sushila | Hobart member

I feel so much stronger!
We have another gorgeous moment to share with you all!
Our much loved member, Vivienne is super excited to share her amazing progress.
“My body feels much stronger since starting with OsteoStrong”.
We are so pleased to hear this Vivienne, and we’re excited for the growth to come!
Vivian | Hobart Member

Grip strength of a 30 year old!
In her 50s and showcasing the grip strength of a 30 year old! OsteoStrong Hobart member Angela Cripps is not only feeling stronger – her balance has also improved.
”When I stand on one leg now I can stand flat footed when I used to scrunch up my toes like a bird”.
Thanks for sharing your wins and for always sharing a giggle with us Angela!
Angela – Hobart member

Increase in all measures!
Congratulations to our fantastically determined client Naomi, for her incredible results! After only 17 sessions she had a massive improvement in all tests.
Bone density +5%, Grip strength +90%, Balance +40%