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Kathryn Keogh

Session Coach

Kathryn brings a lifetime of experience in the health and wellness sector, to her role of Session Coach at OsteoStrong Hawthorn. Kathryn is a remedial massage therapist with over 30 years experience, and originally joined OsteoStrong Hawthorn as a member to address her own bone density concerns. When an opportunity came up to join our coaching team, she jumped at the chance to support others on their journey towards natural bone health!

Kathryn has a caring and compassionate nature, and is always enthusiastically going out of her way to help others! She bring a strong understanding of body systems, movement, posture and its relationship to pain to her sessions.


  • Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice
  • Diploma of Remedial Massage
  • Level 2 – First Aid / CPR Certification
  • OsteoStrong Coaching Certification


  • Learning about the mind and body
  • Lazy Sunday mornings
  • Time with friends or family,
  • Seeing the extraordinary in nature
  • Storror -yep- look it up – you will love it too
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