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Testimonials & Reviews

275% Stronger in 9 months!

Margaret is our humble NSW champion!, Leading the way on the Crows Nest strength wall.  Margaret has increased her strength by a massive 275% over the last 9 months, and her posture is also noticeably improved. What a fantastic effort Margaret, keep up the great work!

Margaret | Crows Nest Member

Consistency pays off!

Sheena has been attending OsteoStrong Ballarat for just over 7 months and is absolutely thrilled at the significant improvement in her bone density in that short time. She puts this all down to her 15min Osteogenic loading session each week.

Sheena | Ballarat Member

10.2% increase in bone density in spine!

Belinda had a DXA scan in 2018 which showed a T-Score of -2.5 in her Spine. Two years later and having been with us for 7 months her latest scan result shows a T-Score of -1.9 in her spine.

The DXA report shows a +10.2% increase (spine). Total Left Femur Results +4.3% and Total Right Femur +5.4% FANTASTIC results for Belinda.

Belinda | Colonel Light Gardens Member

Bone density increase!

We’re excited to celebrate one of our member’s Ella, who after completing her baseline heel density scan 5 months ago, saw an incredible increase in her T score from -2.7 to -2.2.

Well done Ella we can’t wait to see your results from your yearly DXA scan

Ella | Crows Nest Member

Amazing recovery post knee surgery!

Judy first came to us in 2019 due to her knee pain and osteoarthritis, wanting to strengthen her knees before a scheduled double knee replacement. After surgery her doctor was amazed how quickly Judy was back up and walking unaided. Post surgery, Judy has been completing her weekly OsteoStrong sessions and with the assistance of our other recovery technologies, Judy at 72 years young, is back to her best, walking up to 10km a day.

Judy | Ballarat Member

Reversing her bone density loss!

Robin was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in December 2017. A follow up scan in June 2020 showed a further drop in her bone density. Robin then joined OsteoStrong and 18 months later, scans showed considerable improvement in her bone density. Her previous left hip T-score of -4.6 improved to -3.3. Her previous right hip T- score of -5.1 has improved to -4.3. Robyn is pleased that she has not taken any bisphosphonates, and her only therapy has been OsteoStrong.

Robyn | Ballarat Member

17.6% bone density improvement!

Debbie has been fit and active her whole life, and was still playing competitive basketball and tennis at 53 when she was shocked to be diagnosed with Osteopenia. Debbie was determined to improve her bone health naturally, so in March 2020 she started the weekly Osteogenic Loading program at OsteoStrong. In her most recent Bone DEXA scan, Debbie has reported a 17.% improvement in her left hip and a 17.9% improvement in her right hip. She is now categorised as having normal bone density in her hips. She also showed a 2% improvement in her lumber spine. Congratulations Debbie.

Debbie | Ballarat Member

Amazing Transformation!

Jan was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in August 2021, but after making life changes including medication and weekly OsteoStrong sessions, she experienced a 10% increase in bone density! This moved her from the osteoporosis range to osteopenia. 
Not only did Jan’s bone health improve, but she also feels stronger and fitter in her daily life. She finds it easier to walk up stairs, pick up her grandchildren, and get in and out of chairs and cars. 

Jan | Manly Member

Dramatic improvements in balance!

One of our founding members at Hawthorn who has just seen a significant improvement in her baseline markers. We do this with all our members every 3 months, which shows the fast-measurable results that OsteoStrong generates. Dorothy has improved her postural sway by 38%, therefore decreasing her falls risk from the moderate to low category which is outstanding & so empowering for her. Not only that but she’s also seen improvements in her hand grip strength! Well done Dorothy!

Dorothy | Hawthorn Member

98% Stronger!

Our lovely member Caterina is proud of her strength achievement. Caterina has become 98% stronger since coming to OsteoStrong! This has been achieved through the process of consistent “osteogenic triggering”. This describes the process of loading your bones with force and impact to “trigger” an adaptive response in both your bones and muscles. This enables the bones and muscles to become stronger, which is reflective in her strength gains.

Caterina | Crows Nest Member

Bone Density Increased in 12 Months!

After my Doctor recommended Osteoporosis medication, I wanted to try OsteoStrong first to naturally improve my bone health. I am so happy to report that after a year of 15 minutes a week at OsteoStrong my bone density has gone up for the first time ever! I really enjoy the sessions and highly recommend Osteostrong! Seija has been an Osteostrong member for a year and has recently joined us at our Manly centre.

Seija’s latest DEXA results show that she has: 0.4% improvement in the spine, 4.5% improvement in the Left Femur, 0.1%improvement in the Right Femur

Seija | Manly Member
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