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Studies for Health Professionals

Science & Research

OsteoStrong® is a globally recognised natural
program based firmly on the scientific
foundations of Wolff’s Law and the principles
of osteogenic loading.

OsteoStrong® is designed to enhance bone density and overall strength, improve balance, and reduce blood glucose A1C levels, drawing on insights and validations from hundreds of peer-reviewed studies that underpin its science, cementing its position as a reliable and evidence-based initiative.

For those seeking to delve deeper into the scientific underpinnings of OsteoStrong®, the Science Background Summary provides a succinct overview of the foundational principles and science the program embodies. The Case Studies section offers a closer look at individual scenarios and outcomes, shedding light on the tangible impact OsteoStrong® has had on participants’ lives and health. Additionally, the individual peer-reviewed studies furnish detailed insights into the meticulous research and analysis conducted by experts in the field, reinforcing the program’s credibility and significance in the realm of bone health.

Current Studies

Ongoing studies in medical research hubs like Australia, Sweden, and Greece further consolidate OsteoStrong’s® position as a leader in bone health. These investigations are meticulously designed to explore, validate, and deepen our understanding of OsteoStrong’s® effectiveness and potential. Through these concerted international research efforts and the continuous collection and analysis of participant data, OsteoStrong® steadfastly advances its commitment to promoting bone strength and health.

Empirical Evidence over 10 million Sessions

Empirical evidence from the global OsteoStrong® community in 12 countries validates the program’s credibility, showcasing positive health results for 250,000 individuals from over 10 million sessions with more than 350,000 sessions in Australia. This substantial data highlights the immediate and long-term benefits on musculoskeletal health and well-being.

It isn’t merely anecdotal, because it also demonstrates our impressive safety record, compared to other exercise programs. It provides convincing support for OsteoStrong®’s efficacy to a broad audience, including people from 15 to 95 years old and healthcare professionals seeking effective, scientifically-backed interventions for improved bone health.

For Doctors and Health Professionals

In providing this wealth of information, OsteoStrong® aims to equip individuals, doctors, and health professionals with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand, evaluate, and, ultimately, trust in the science that forms the backbone of the OsteoStrong® program.

Whether you are a healthcare provider, a patient, or someone interested in proactive health management, this extensive compilation of scientific data is intended to guide and inform your approach to bone health, providing a clear pathway to the strength and vitality that OsteoStrong® promises to deliver.

Science Review

Bone Density Analysis

After reaching peak bone density at about age 30, most people lose between 1% and 2% of their bone density annually, depending on many lifestyle, medical, and nutritional factors.

Other factors such as menopause, thyroid conditions, and long-term use of some medications can result in up to 10% bone loss annually for some people.

For many people, OsteoStrong has been scientifically demonstrated to reverse bone loss better than conventional exercise, and pharmaceuticals

Strength Gain Analysis

Osteostrong technology has been proven to improve muscle strength and the significant health benefits are similar to heavy weightlifting. It promotes development of fast twitch muscle which is critical for reflexes, necessary for balance, and reducing fall and fracture risk.

For athletes, super bone density overcomes neural inhibition plateaus, allowing more muscle growth for high performance explosive action on the track and field.

Balance Case Study Results

In 2002 every day 364 Australians were admitted to hospital as a result of a fall. This highlights the importance of developing and maintaining good balance which prevents falls, improves muscle strength and flexibility, sharpens cognitive function, aids in chronic disease management, enhances quality of life, and promotes mobility.

This Case Study demonstrates how quickly balance can be improved at OsteoStrong, providing significant benefits for both lifespan and healthspan.

Type 2 Diabetes Research

Various reliable and safe treatment strategies exist for managing Diabetes Type 2 and metabolic dysfunction. Fortunately these methods can be employed singularly or in combination to improve effectiveness.

Remarkably, as a standalone therapy , as demonstrated by the 2015 UK Study, OsteoStrong demonstrated superior ability to reduce HbA1c levels, a crucial long-term blood glucose measure, outperforming other standard care approaches.

Science Review

Background & Research

Osteostrong Australia & New Zealand

This Summary serves as a gateway for individuals, doctors, and allied health professionals to navigate the intricate scientific landscape that OsteoStrong® is built upon. Within its framework, the Summary simplifies the complex scientific principles into accessible and understandable language, illuminating the core mechanics and rationale behind the program. It presents a streamlined review of the foundational science, offering readers a clear and concise understanding of how and why the program is effective in enhancing bone health and strength.

2023 Greek Study

OsteoStrong® Improves Bone Mineral Density – Abstract presented at the global Endocrine Society Annual Conference held in Chicago June 2023 – ENDO23.

“The Study showed a significant improvement of BMD (bone mineral density) in the lumbar spine in people with osteoporosis treated with OsteoStrong® with or without anti-osteoporotic medication. The OsteoStrong® system may have a synergistic effect with anti-osteoporotic medication significantly reducing bone fracture risk.” Dr Nektaris Papadopoulou, Endocronologist, EMD, PhD, Researcher

“Bone is a live tissue, it’s not a stone, it has cells that respond to both pulling and pushing and OsteoStrong® is a method that uses a certain amount of pressure, usually 4.2 times the body weight, on the bones of the spine and the hip. Osteogenic loading effectively contributes to the enhancement of bone health. The statistically signifcant results provide evidence of the positive impact of OsteoStrong® in addresssing osteoporosis and potentially reducing the risk of fractures.”
Dr George Chrousos, Endocronologist, MD, FAAP, MACP, MACE, MD (Hon)

Peer Reviewed Studies

A Small Amount Of Precisely Measured High-Intensity Habitual Physical Activity Predicts Bone Health In Pre And Post-Menopausal Women In UK Biobank

International Journal Of Epidemiology

Published: June 29, 2017

Axial Bone Osteogenic Loading-Type Resistance Therapy Showing BMD and Functional Bone Performance Musculoskeletal Adaptation Over 24 Weeks with Postmenopausal Female Subjects

Journal of Osteoporosis and Physical Activity

Published: June 28, 2015

The Effects Of Axial Bone Osteogenic Loading-Type Resistance Exercise On Adults With Risk Of Moderate-Metabolic Dysfunction: A Pilot Study

Journal Of Diabetes And Metabolism

Published: April 28, 2015

World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOFESCEO 2015): Non-sponsored Symposia Abstract

© International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2015

Published: March 1, 2015

Physical Activity And Bone: May The Force Be With You

Frontiers In Endocrinology

Published: March 3, 2014

Habitual Levels Of High, But Not Moderate Or Low, Impact Activity Are Positively Related To Hip BMD And Geometry: Results From A Population-Based Study Of Adolescents

Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research

Published: April 12, 2012

Static Tensional Forces Increase Osteogenic Gene Expression In Three-Dimensional Periodontal Ligament Cell Culture

BMB Reports

Published: February 26, 2009

Intensity Of Exercise Is Associated With Bone Density Change In Premenopausal Women

Osteoporos Int

Published: June 11, 2006

Effects of high-impact exercise on bone mineral density:a randomized controlled trial in premenopausal women

Osteoporos Int (2005)

Published: June 17, 2005

Load-Specific Differences In The Structure Of Femoral Neck And Tibia Between World-Class Moguls Skiers And Slalom Skiers

Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports

Published: December 20, 2000

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