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Testimonials & Reviews

Walking without her walker!

Shandy (77) has just walked from the postural machine (the last one on the right, all the way to the vibe plate (cage) without her walker. She tells us this would not have happened without OsteoStrong! Shandy has been working with Hayley to achieve some awesome results in the short period of just 5weeks.

Shandy | Launceston Member

Stopped bone loss in it’s tracks!

In 2018, Andrea was told she has severe osteoporosis and her bone density would continue to decline rapidly if she didn’t do something. Andrea joined OsteoStrong in December 2019 and her most recent DEXA result from June 2020 shows that her bone density is EXACTLY the same as 2 years ago.

Andrea | South Melbourne Member

Bone density in spine improved 3%!

Jan has been a member at OsteoStrong Ballarat for just over 12 months.

Her recent DEXA scan showed improvement in her hips and over 3% improvement in her spine.

Jan | Ballarat Member

I no longer have osteoporosis!

Stephanie has been a member for just one year and because of her employment and travelling long distance she initially attended once per fortnight. She had a recent (dexa) bone density scan which showed improvement in her Spine +2.8% and Femur +2.7% taking her out of Osteoporosis.

Stephanie | Colonel Light Gardens Member

Rheumatoid Arthritis in remission!

Had an appointment with my rheumatologist today, I have rheumatoid arthritis. I am in remission! The disease is no longer active! I have been on the same medication for years, before starting with you, but the improvements began after Osteostrong, I can even start to reduce my meds!”

Congratulations Claire, what an incredible result for you and the team at OsteoStrong Ballarat!

Claire | Ballarat Member

10.8% increase in femur!

After 1 year Jo has had a 10.8% increase in her left femur and 6.6% in her right femur while her spine was unchanged. Today Jo said “I came to OsteoStrong when I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I also have Menieres which is a balance disorder.

I have noticed a great improvement in my balance and to increase my bone density is fantastic because I would have been happy not to have lost anymore and remain the same. I really enjoy my weekly sessions, it’s a centre full of fun and laughter and never feels like hard work.

Jo | Colonel Light Gardens Member

Helping to control diabetes!

Since I joined OsteoStrong South Melbourne, the benefits I have noticed include improvements in my posture and reducing my fasting blood glucose and HbA1c to the level recommended by my doctor. I play golf and I have also noticed I can drive the ball further than before. Generally I also feel fitter with less fatigue physically and mentally and I don’t even have to drop a sweat.

Ben | South Melbourne Member

Bone Density Increase 10.3%!

Jane has been a member with South Melbourne since July 2019. With the help of her OsteoStrong sessions once a week for the past 9 months, Jane’s bone density has increased significantly as confirmed by her most recent DEXA results. Jane’s hip BMD (bone mineral density) has increased by 10.3% which means her hip is no longer in the osteopenic range and now within normal bone density range!

Jane | South Melbourne Member

Improvements in all areas!

I’ve been going to OsteoStrong Ballarat since the start of September last year as I was in the danger zone of osteoporosis, in only a few months my body strength has increased by 72%, my type 2 diabetes is back to normal, although I do take medication to control it, I have been able to decrease the amount I take, my balance is heaps better & my night cramps in my legs/feet are pretty much gone.

Sheila | Ballarat Member

Wonder woman Rhonda!

A big congratulations to our very own Wonder Woman Rhonda for hitting a massive 400% increase in functional bone performance since commencing at OsteoStrong 12 months ago.

Congratulations Rhonda what a fantastic effort!

Rhonda | Ballarat Member

6.9% increase in bone density in hip!

Catherine had her DXA on 30th July and the results show… Total Left hip (previous) -1.5 NOW -1.1 report shows 6.9% increase. Total Spine(L1-L4) (previous) -1.5…NOW -1.4 report shows a 1.8% increase

Catherine said her doctor couldn’t understand the increase and asked what she was doing to achieve such good results. “JUST OSTEOSTRONG” said Catherine….That’s all it take’s, JUST ONE SESSION ONE TIME PER WEEK.

Catherine | Colonel Light Gardens Member
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