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WinterStrong Challenge!

August 1, 2024 - August 21, 2024

It’s not too late to be part of the WinterStrong Balance Challenge!

You can still join right up until August 21 to improve your balance, shake off the Winter SADs (seasonal affective disorder) and support positive mental health organisation SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY.

Until August 21 work your way from wobbly to wonderous by practicing a balance activity for up to 1 minute up to every 1 hour of your waking day. Do one day or as many days as you can!

Together we’ll raise money and awareness for suicide prevention and positive mental health, improve our own mood, productivity and mental health, reduce our risk of falling and lift ourselves out of the SADs and into Spring with smiles!  Too hard? Do 20 seconds of balance and build up to 60 seconds. Do 2x a day and build up to 8x a day. Register now and give it a go!


Challenge Info

Starting 1st August, the Osteostrong Hobart team will kick off their first ever WinterStrong Balance Challenge to encourage the Tasmanian community to stay on their feet this winter and shake off the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder, all in support of Stay ChatTY.

The challenge? To complete 1 minute of balance activity every 1 hour of your waking day, for 21 days.

We are looking forward to trying this out at Stay ChatTY HQ and challenging ourselves as a team! If you fancy joining us, the team at OsteoStrong suggest starting with 20 seconds in the first week, aiming for 40 seconds in the second week of the challenge, and hitting the 60 seconds in the third week. Or start with 4 times a day in week 1, build to 6 times a day in week 2 and aim for 8 times a day in week 3.

We are so excited to see this 21-day challenge unfolds, with many interactive and fun elements planned by the OsteoStrong team, including some prizes and chances for meeting up face to face with a launch party, movie night and Balance in the Botanicals grand finale.

To find out more and join us in the WinterStrong Challenge, head across to www.mycause.com.au/events/winterstrong!


Everyone who joins is provided with a free 21 Day Meditation program via the Mind Mastery Institute, valued at $180.


August 1, 2024
August 21, 2024
Event Category:


OsteoStrong Hobart
(03) 6215 4777
View Organiser Website


OsteStrong Hobart
88 Bathurst St
Hobart, TAS 8000 Australia
+ Google Map
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