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Enhancing Balance for a Safer, Stronger Future

For older adults, maintaining balance is not just a matter of mobility; it’s a critical factor in ensuring safety, health and preventing premature mortality. Unfortunately, a decline in balance can significantly increase the risk of falls and related injuries, which are a major health concern. In Australia, the statistics are startling, with 364 falls requiring hospitalisation each day, leading to serious socio-economic impacts. This is where OsteoStrong® steps in, offering a beacon of hope and stability.

The OsteoStrong® Advantage for Balance

OsteoStrong® uniquely focuses on enhancing muscle strength, coordination, reflex speed,  agility, and specific balance training, crucial for preventing falls. The sessions at OsteoStrong® engage your central nervous system and entire musculoskeletal system in a unique way, resulting in almost instant improvements in balance and agility – often one of the first benefits our members notice.

Harnessing Neuroplasticity for Better Stability

OsteoStrong® utilises the concept of exercise-induced neuroplasticity, a method that involves the brain’s ability to rewire and strengthen neural connections in response to physical exercise, especially those challenging balance and coordination. This leads to significant improvements in stability and movement control, essential for reducing fall risks in the elderly.

A Three-Pronged Approach to Balance Training

  1. Neuro-Priming with Vibration Therapy: Our sessions begin with vibration therapy to activate balance proprioceptors, creating neural connections between various parts of the musculoskeletal system and the brain.
  2. Osteogenic Loading Sessions: Following neuro-priming, members engage in osteogenic loading on the 4 Spectrum machines, each targeting a major skeletal group (upper, lower, postural, and core). These machines place members in their strongest biomechanical positions for maximum effect.
  3. Hyper-Neuroplasticity Post-Session: Immediately after Spectrum sessions, the central nervous system enters a state of heightened responsiveness, making muscles, nerves, and balance receptors especially receptive to training. During this time, we focus on balance and coordination which allows faster and more effective improvements in these areas.

Monitoring Progress and Celebrating Success

At OsteoStrong® centres, we don’t just provide training; we track and celebrate every improvement in balance, offering personalised feedback to inspire and motivate our members. Our 2017 Balance Study is a testament to the program’s efficacy, with participants over 60 years old experiencing a remarkable 77% improvement in balance within just 5 weeks.

Transformative Results for a Life of Independence and Confidence

The success stories from our members are not just about improved balance; they represent a transformation towards a more active, confident, and independent life. By joining OsteoStrong®, you’re not just signing up for a program; you’re embracing a journey towards a stronger, more stable you. Welcome to a future where every step is steady and assured, thanks to OsteoStrong®.


The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
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