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OsteoStrong Fact Sheet: Calcium for Bone and Muscle Health

Understanding the Importance of Calcium for Optimal Health

Essential for Multiple Bodily Functions

  • Role: Crucial for heart, muscle, bone, and nerve health.
  • Beyond Bones: Integral to the functioning of various body systems.
  • Australian Context: Approximately 50% of Australians don’t meet daily calcium intake recommendations (Source: Healthy Bones Australia).

Bone Health and Calcium Storage

  • Dietary Source: Obtained from food; bones store it for bodily needs.
  • Impact of Deficiency: Insufficient dietary calcium can lead to decreased bone density.

Recommended Daily Intake

  • Healthy Bones Australia Recommendations:
    • Women (19-50 years): 1000 mg/day.
    • Women (>50 years) & Men (>70 years): 1300 mg/day.
  • Dietary Considerations: Challenges in meeting needs with diets low in dairy, leafy greens, and calcium-rich foods.

Assessing Your Calcium Intake

  1. Diet Tracking: Keep a food diary and compare intake with recommended allowances.
  2. Deficiency Symptoms: Identify signs like brittle nails, muscle cramps, and dental issues.
  3. Professional Consultation: Seek advice from healthcare professionals for tailored guidance.
  4. Blood Test: Indicates current blood calcium levels; not a complete indicator of overall status.
  5. Bone Density Test: DEXA scans and Ultrasonometer/EchoLight technology at certain centres for osteoporosis screening.

Considerations for Calcium Needs

  • Variable Requirements: Depend on age, gender, health conditions, lifestyle, medications, and specific medical needs.
  • Individual Assessment: Essential to evaluate based on these factors.

Calcium Best from Diet, Not Supplements?

  • Research Findings: Inconclusive evidence on benefits of calcium supplements, with possible side effects.
  • Dietary Sources: Preferred method for calcium intake, complemented by foods that aid absorption.


Calcium is essential for overall health, particularly for bone strength. Regular assessment and ensuring adequate calcium intake are crucial. For personalised advice and monitoring, consulting healthcare professionals is recommended.


The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
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