Since I joined OsteoStrong South Melbourne, the benefits I have noticed include improvements in my posture and reducing my fasting blood glucose and HbA1c to the level recommended by my […]
South Melbourne
Bone Density Increase 10.3%!
Jane has been a member with South Melbourne since July 2019. With the help of her OsteoStrong sessions once a week for the past 9 months, Jane’s bone density has […]
Bone Density Increase plus 138% stronger!
Increasing bone density without medication is possible with OsteoStrong!Despite the stop/start due to lockdowns, Teresa’s latest DEXA scan showed that her bone density has increased! The only side effect for […]
Bone Density Increase 6% + 7.5%
Helen recently had a DEXA (bone) scan which shows that she improved bone density in both hip (6%) and spine (7.5%). Helen is very committed to improving her bone density […]
No need for medication, says Doctor!
Another member success story! Despite a year of stopping and starting due to health restrictions, Pauline improved her bone density in both hip and spine. Her doctor asked her to […]
Balance improved out of sight!
My balance was off kilter (scary for me), could not hold my balance at all! Now my legs, my arms, my core body, my strength have all improved out of […]
Georgie Tzouvelis
Georgie has always fostered a passion with allied healthcare and working and with other individuals. She has been heavily immersed in sports from a young age and has always wanted […]
Wutti Oparkcharoen
As a long-time fan of Tony Robbins and after reading about OsteoStrong in one of his blogs, Wutti couldn’t stop thinking about OsteoStrong, as the concept is so revolutionary. Determined […]
Jaquish BioMedical
Red Light Therapy
Encourages cellular regeneration to reduce inflammation, boost collagen and restore cellular function in skin, hair, muscles and bone.
PEMF Therapy
A Pulsed, Electromagnetic Field that recharges the cells in the body – much like charging a battery.